Op amp change Carver AV-806x Amplifier. NJM4558DD > NE5532AP

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Hey all, I was hoping to get a guru to give me some advice here. I would like to change the 4558 to 5532. I have looked over the diagram and specifications for input and output voltage and current and I do not see any issues. However I am not sure the effect of the resistors and capacitors in this part of the circuit. I would like to do this the correct way. If that means I should be changing any resistors or capacitors I will do so. But I don’t understand enough about this design to determine what impact these play in the circuit.

The diagram is below as well as links to the data sheets for the op-amps. Any input is appreciated. Thank You.



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The 4558 is a nice, slow op amp that hisses at high gains. This is not a high gain circuit.
I found in going from 4558 to a 6 v/microsecond "low noise" op amp, that my original circuit oscillated ultrasonically. This was driving the power amp nuts, turning on the fan. I had to put 33 pf disk cap across the feedback components from output to inverting input, to kill the HF gain. I also had to put .1 uf disk cap from +rail to - rail within an inch of the op amp package. 5532 is an 8 V/microsec op amp, faster than i used. I used 33078 for low noise, 5532 wasn't available at the time. A bargain at $.37 each that day.
At this low gain, you may not hear a difference 4558 to 5532. Put a socket in so you can experiment, no sense damaging the board by desoldering twice. I like the phosphor bronze sockets from TE connectivity.
Have fun.
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Thank you for the feedback, for sure on the socket, already ordered a few. My only real concern about the 4558 is the slew rate. I have read that it is slow enough that high quality recordings 24/96+ can be effected. I figured the 5532 was very similar in spec with ~4X the speed, I didn't see the need to make a drastic or expensive change. This amp has 6 individual channels, so a comparison should be very easy to test.

I'm in the process of a complete rebuild, 129 caps new switches and few other parts. I just wanted to get the op-amp right while I have everything apart.
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