I couldn't resist. It only took a couple of minutes. With a 48 square inch port, 4.5 inches long, you need a 900 liter box to achieve a 20 hz tuning and nothing about it is pancake flat. I'm kind of curious to see your sim.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
I just checked. 168 liters with a 20 hz tuning requires 117 cm (46 inch) port length if you keep the port area at 48 square inches. And if you do that you get a 7 db spike at 20 hz and the first harmonic spike is at about 140 hz, and it's pretty bad. Not a good design at all, especially for automotive use.
I'm really confused about what you are trying to accomplish here.
I'm really confused about what you are trying to accomplish here.
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