A whole bunch of stuff, but I am limited to 3000 characters...
NIB1826Belmont Radio triodeNIB1826Ken-RadtriodeLoose1931RCAphotomultiplierLoose11625Hydronbeam power tetrodeNIB21625RCAbeam power tetrodeNIB15651RCAvoltage referenceNIB15687Tung-Soldual triodeLoose15687dual triodeLoose15751Tung-Soldual triode (same 12AX7)Loose15751Sylvaniadouble triodeNIB15963RCAdouble triodeNIB15963RCAdouble triodeNIB25963RCAdouble triodeLoose16134ZenithpentodeNIB152983WEpentode (404A)Loose1?RCA5 pinsNIB1115N060AmperiteTime-delay relayLoose112AD7NECdouble triodeNIB112AT7GEdual triodeLoose412AU7ARCAtwin triodeLoose212AU7AGEtwin triodeNIB112AU7AGEtwin triodeLoose112AU7ARCAtwin triodeLoose112AV6Zenithdouble diode triodeNIB112AX7RCAdual triodeLoose112AX7Sylvaniadual triodeLoose212AX7Westinghousedual triodeLoose312AX7RCAdual triodeLoose112AX7RCAdual triodeLoose112AX7GEdual triodeNIB612AX7ARCAdual triodeLoose112AX7ARCAdual triodeLoose112BA6RCApentodeLoose112BA6ZenithpentodeLoose112K8RCAtriode hexodeNIB112SG7GEpentodeLoose112SG7SylvaniapentodeNIB112SG7 GEpentodeLoose112SK7Ken RadpentodeLoose112SK7RCApentodeLoose212SK7 GT/GTung-SolpentodeNIB112SQ7 GT twin diode/hi-mu triodeLoose112SR7RCAdouble diode triodeNIB117AY3A/12BS3ARCAhalf wave rectifierNIB117GW6RCAbeam power tubeNIB11B3GTRCArectifierNIB12D21RCA4 element thyratronLoose135C5RCAbeam pentodeLoose135C5beam power tubeNIB135L6GTRCAbeam powerLoose135W4RCAhalf wave rectifierNIB135Z5GTRCAbeam tetrodeLoose13A3A/3AW3/382 GEhalf-wave rectifierNIB13BP1Belmont Radio 3" Oscilloscope CRTNIB1403BWEpentodeNIB4404AWEpentodeLoose1408AWEpentodeNIB2412AWEfull-wave rectifierLoose2412AWEfull-wave rectifierLoose14CX1000BEimacpower tetrodeLoose34CX250FRCAceramic tetrodeNIB15591 403BWEpentodeNIB15EW6RCApentodeNIB15GM6RCApentodeNIB15R4GYRCAfull wave rectifierNIB25U4GBRaytheonrectifierNIB15U4GBTung Soltwin diodeLoose15V4GRCAfull-wave rectifierNIB15V4GARCAfull-wave rectifierLoose15Y3RCAfull wave rectifierLoose15Y4GRCAfull wave rectifierLoose162K7RCApentodeLoose16AC7RCApentodeLoose16AF4ARaytheontriode Loose16AG7RCApentodeNIB16AL5Hytrontwin diode tubeLoose16AL5Raytheondouble diodeLoose36AL5RCAdouble diodeNIB26AN8Sylvaniatriode-pentodeLoose16AN8RCAtriode pentodeLoose16AN8Sylvaniatriode pentodeNIB16AQ5RCAbeam power triodeLoose16EF7/EF183RCAremote-cutoff pentodeNIB16EH7/EF183RCApentode, remote cutoffNIB16EJ7/EF184RCApentode pentodeLoose86L6RCAbeam tetrodeLoose26L6 GA Sylvaniapower pentode (glass)(metal)NIB16SC7Ken Radtwin triodeLoose16SJ7Ken RadpentodeLoose16SK7Ken RadpentodeLoose16SL7 GT Sylvaniadual triodeNIB26SN7OWLdual triodeLoose16SN7twin triodeLoose16SN7 GTRCAdouble triodeLoose16SN7-GTGEdual triodeLoose16SN7-GTRaytheontwin triodeNIB16SN7GTBRCAdouble triodeLoose16U8ARCAtriode pentodeLoose26V6Sylvaniabeam power tetrodeLoose16X4full-wave rectifierLoose16X4RCAfull-wave rectifierLoose16X5 GTRCAfull-wave rectifierNIB16X8GEtriode pentodeNIB16X8Parts unlimitedtriodeNIB16X8PhilcotriodeNIB26X8RCAtriode-pentodeLoose16XN7-GTRaytheonLoose16Y6 GRCAbeam tetrodeLoose1A1757Bell LabsNIB1CBS 6AN8 triode pentodeLoose1CRC 12A6RCAbeam tetrodeLoose3CRC 1619 VT 164Ken Radbeam power tubeNIB1CRC 1626 VT-137RCApower triodeLoose1CRC 38250 RCAUSN tubeLoose1CRC 5Y3-GT/G RCAfull wave rectifierLoose2CRC 6AC7RCApentodeLoose1CRC 6AG7RCApentodeNIB2F 52983WE?NIB1JAN 6AS6WEpentodeNIB1JAN CHS 1629Sylvaniaeye tubeLoose1JAN CHS 5U4GSylvaniarectifierLoose1JAN CHS 5Y3 GT/GSylvaniafull-wave rectifierLoose1JAN CHS 6SN7-GTSylvaniadual triodeLoose1JAN CHS 807SylvaniatetrodeNIB1JAN CKR 3E29RCAtwin-unit beam powerNIB2JAN CKR 3E29Ken Raddouble beam power tubeNIB1JAN CKR 3E29 GEtransmitting power tetrodeNIB1JAN CNU 12SL7GTWEtwin triodeLoose1JAN CRC 12SF7RCAdiode pentodeLoose1JAN CRC 1625RCApower pentodeNIB1JAN CRC 5R4GYRCAfull wave rectifierNIB1JAN CRC 6SK7 VT 117 SC27.8ARCApentodeNIB1JHS 5751Sylvaniadual triode (same 12AX7)NIB1JNU 6C4National UniontriodeLoose1JRC 6AG5RCApentodeNIB1JRC 955 VT 121RCAacorn triodeLoose1JW 2C51WEdual triodeNIB6KT-66Genalexpower tetrodeNIB2KT-88 Genalexbeam tetrodeLoose1OB3 VR90Sylvaniaregulator tubeLoose1OC3RCAstabilizer tubeNIB2VT-136 (1625)RCAbeam power tetrodeLoose1VT-137 RCAtriodeNIB1VT-137 (1626) (2T-137) SC
NIB1826Belmont Radio triodeNIB1826Ken-RadtriodeLoose1931RCAphotomultiplierLoose11625Hydronbeam power tetrodeNIB21625RCAbeam power tetrodeNIB15651RCAvoltage referenceNIB15687Tung-Soldual triodeLoose15687dual triodeLoose15751Tung-Soldual triode (same 12AX7)Loose15751Sylvaniadouble triodeNIB15963RCAdouble triodeNIB15963RCAdouble triodeNIB25963RCAdouble triodeLoose16134ZenithpentodeNIB152983WEpentode (404A)Loose1?RCA5 pinsNIB1115N060AmperiteTime-delay relayLoose112AD7NECdouble triodeNIB112AT7GEdual triodeLoose412AU7ARCAtwin triodeLoose212AU7AGEtwin triodeNIB112AU7AGEtwin triodeLoose112AU7ARCAtwin triodeLoose112AV6Zenithdouble diode triodeNIB112AX7RCAdual triodeLoose112AX7Sylvaniadual triodeLoose212AX7Westinghousedual triodeLoose312AX7RCAdual triodeLoose112AX7RCAdual triodeLoose112AX7GEdual triodeNIB612AX7ARCAdual triodeLoose112AX7ARCAdual triodeLoose112BA6RCApentodeLoose112BA6ZenithpentodeLoose112K8RCAtriode hexodeNIB112SG7GEpentodeLoose112SG7SylvaniapentodeNIB112SG7 GEpentodeLoose112SK7Ken RadpentodeLoose112SK7RCApentodeLoose212SK7 GT/GTung-SolpentodeNIB112SQ7 GT twin diode/hi-mu triodeLoose112SR7RCAdouble diode triodeNIB117AY3A/12BS3ARCAhalf wave rectifierNIB117GW6RCAbeam power tubeNIB11B3GTRCArectifierNIB12D21RCA4 element thyratronLoose135C5RCAbeam pentodeLoose135C5beam power tubeNIB135L6GTRCAbeam powerLoose135W4RCAhalf wave rectifierNIB135Z5GTRCAbeam tetrodeLoose13A3A/3AW3/382 GEhalf-wave rectifierNIB13BP1Belmont Radio 3" Oscilloscope CRTNIB1403BWEpentodeNIB4404AWEpentodeLoose1408AWEpentodeNIB2412AWEfull-wave rectifierLoose2412AWEfull-wave rectifierLoose14CX1000BEimacpower tetrodeLoose34CX250FRCAceramic tetrodeNIB15591 403BWEpentodeNIB15EW6RCApentodeNIB15GM6RCApentodeNIB15R4GYRCAfull wave rectifierNIB25U4GBRaytheonrectifierNIB15U4GBTung Soltwin diodeLoose15V4GRCAfull-wave rectifierNIB15V4GARCAfull-wave rectifierLoose15Y3RCAfull wave rectifierLoose15Y4GRCAfull wave rectifierLoose162K7RCApentodeLoose16AC7RCApentodeLoose16AF4ARaytheontriode Loose16AG7RCApentodeNIB16AL5Hytrontwin diode tubeLoose16AL5Raytheondouble diodeLoose36AL5RCAdouble diodeNIB26AN8Sylvaniatriode-pentodeLoose16AN8RCAtriode pentodeLoose16AN8Sylvaniatriode pentodeNIB16AQ5RCAbeam power triodeLoose16EF7/EF183RCAremote-cutoff pentodeNIB16EH7/EF183RCApentode, remote cutoffNIB16EJ7/EF184RCApentode pentodeLoose86L6RCAbeam tetrodeLoose26L6 GA Sylvaniapower pentode (glass)(metal)NIB16SC7Ken Radtwin triodeLoose16SJ7Ken RadpentodeLoose16SK7Ken RadpentodeLoose16SL7 GT Sylvaniadual triodeNIB26SN7OWLdual triodeLoose16SN7twin triodeLoose16SN7 GTRCAdouble triodeLoose16SN7-GTGEdual triodeLoose16SN7-GTRaytheontwin triodeNIB16SN7GTBRCAdouble triodeLoose16U8ARCAtriode pentodeLoose26V6Sylvaniabeam power tetrodeLoose16X4full-wave rectifierLoose16X4RCAfull-wave rectifierLoose16X5 GTRCAfull-wave rectifierNIB16X8GEtriode pentodeNIB16X8Parts unlimitedtriodeNIB16X8PhilcotriodeNIB26X8RCAtriode-pentodeLoose16XN7-GTRaytheonLoose16Y6 GRCAbeam tetrodeLoose1A1757Bell LabsNIB1CBS 6AN8 triode pentodeLoose1CRC 12A6RCAbeam tetrodeLoose3CRC 1619 VT 164Ken Radbeam power tubeNIB1CRC 1626 VT-137RCApower triodeLoose1CRC 38250 RCAUSN tubeLoose1CRC 5Y3-GT/G RCAfull wave rectifierLoose2CRC 6AC7RCApentodeLoose1CRC 6AG7RCApentodeNIB2F 52983WE?NIB1JAN 6AS6WEpentodeNIB1JAN CHS 1629Sylvaniaeye tubeLoose1JAN CHS 5U4GSylvaniarectifierLoose1JAN CHS 5Y3 GT/GSylvaniafull-wave rectifierLoose1JAN CHS 6SN7-GTSylvaniadual triodeLoose1JAN CHS 807SylvaniatetrodeNIB1JAN CKR 3E29RCAtwin-unit beam powerNIB2JAN CKR 3E29Ken Raddouble beam power tubeNIB1JAN CKR 3E29 GEtransmitting power tetrodeNIB1JAN CNU 12SL7GTWEtwin triodeLoose1JAN CRC 12SF7RCAdiode pentodeLoose1JAN CRC 1625RCApower pentodeNIB1JAN CRC 5R4GYRCAfull wave rectifierNIB1JAN CRC 6SK7 VT 117 SC27.8ARCApentodeNIB1JHS 5751Sylvaniadual triode (same 12AX7)NIB1JNU 6C4National UniontriodeLoose1JRC 6AG5RCApentodeNIB1JRC 955 VT 121RCAacorn triodeLoose1JW 2C51WEdual triodeNIB6KT-66Genalexpower tetrodeNIB2KT-88 Genalexbeam tetrodeLoose1OB3 VR90Sylvaniaregulator tubeLoose1OC3RCAstabilizer tubeNIB2VT-136 (1625)RCAbeam power tetrodeLoose1VT-137 RCAtriodeNIB1VT-137 (1626) (2T-137) SC
I think it would be something like this:
NIB Tubes:
1x 826 Belmont Radio triode
1x 826 Ken-Rad triode
2x 1625 RCA beam power tetrode
1x 5651 RCA voltage reference
1x 5687 Tung-Sol dual triode
1x 5963 RCA double triode
1x 5963 RCA double triode
2x 5963 RCA double triode
15x 2983 WE pentode (404A)
11x 15N060 AmperiteTime-delay relay
1x 12AT7 GE dual triode
1x 12AU7 AGE twin triode
1x 12AX7 RCA dual triode
6x 12AX7A RCA dual triode
1x 12SG7 GE pentode
1x 12SG7 GE pentode
1x 12SQ7GT twin diode/hi-mu triode
1x 17AY3A/12BS3A RCA half wave rectifier
11x 7GW6 RCA beam power tube
11x B3GT RCA rectifier
1x 2D21RCA4 element thyratron
1x 35L6GT RCA beam power
1x 35Z5GT RCA beam tetrode
1x 3BP1 Belmont Radio 3" Oscilloscope CRT
1x 403B WE pentode
4x 404A WE pentode
2x 412A WE full-wave rectifier
1x 5591 403B WE pentode
1x 5EW6 RCA pentode
1x 5GM6 RCA pentode
1x 5R4GY RCA full wave rectifier
2x 5U4GB Raytheon rectifier
1x 5U4GB TungSol twin diode
1x 5V4GA RCA full-wave rectifier
1x 6AL5 Hytron twin diode tube
2x 6AN8 Sylvania triode-pentode
1x 6AQ5 RCA beam power triode
1x 6EH7/EF183 RCA pentode, remote cutoff
1x 6EJ7/EF184 RCA pentode pentode
1x 6SC7Ken-Rad twin triode
2x 6SN7O WL dual triode
1x 6SN7GTB RCA double triode
1x 6X8 GE triode pentode
1x 6X8 Parts unlimited triode
1x 6X8 Philco triode
2x 6X8 RCA triode-pentode
1x CBS 6AN8 triode pentode
1x CRC 1626 VT-137 RCA power triode
2x F 52983 WE?
1x JAN 6AS6 WE pentode
1x JAN CHS 1629 Sylvania eye tube
1x JAN CKR 3E29 RCA twin-unit beam power
2x JAN CKR 3E29 Ken-Rad double beam power tube
1x JAN CKR 3E29 GE transmitting power tetrode
1x JAN CNU 12SL7GT WE twin triode
1x JAN CRC 5R4GY RCA full wave rectifier
1x JAN CRC 6SK7 VT 117 SC27.8A RCA pentode
1x JHS 5751 Sylvania dual triode (same 12AX7)
1x JNU 6C4 National Union triode
1x VT-137 (1626) (2T-137) SC
1x JRC 955 VT 121 RCA acorn triode
6x KT-66 Genalex power tetrode
2x KT-88 Genalex beam tetrode
2x VT-136 (1625) RCA beam power tetrode
Loose Tubes:
1x 931 RCA photomultiplier
1x 1625 Hytron beam power tetrode
1x 5687 dual triode
1x 5751 Tung-Sol dual triode (same 12AX7)
1x 5751 Sylvania double triode
1x 6134 Zenith pentode
1x ? RCA 5 pins
1x 12AD7 NEC double triode
4x 12AU7 ARC Atwin triode
2x 12AU7 AGE twin triode
1x 12AU7 ARC Atwin triode
1x 12AV6 Zenith double diode triode
1x 12AX7 Sylvania dual triode
2x 12AX7 Westinghouse dual triode
3x 12AX7 RCA dual triode
1x 12AX7 RCA dual triode
1x 12AX7 GE dual triode
1x 12AX7A RCA dual triode
1x 12BA6 RCA pentode
1x 12BA6 Zenith pentode
1x 12K8 RCA triode hexode
1x 12SG7 Sylvania pentode
1x 12SK7 Ken-Rad pentode
1x 12SK7 RCA pentode
2x 12SK7GT/G Tung-Sol pentode
1x 12SR7 RCA double diode triode
1x 35C5 RCA beam pentode
1x 35C5 beam power tube
1x 35W4 RCA half wave rectifier
1x 3A3A/3AW3/382 GE half-wave rectifier
1x 408A WE pentode
2x 412A WE full-wave rectifier
1x 4CX1000B Eimac power tetrode
3x 4CX250F RCA ceramic tetrode
1x 5V4G RCA full-wave rectifier
1x 5Y3 RCA full wave rectifier
1x 5Y4G RCA full wave rectifier
1x 62K7 RCA pentode
1x 6AC7 RCA pentode
1x 6AF4A Raytheon triode
1x 6AG7 RCA pentode
1x 6AL5 Raytheon double diode
3x 6AL5 RCA double diode
1x 6AN8 RCA triode pentode
1x 6AN8 Sylvania triode pentode
1x 6EF7/EF183 RCA remote-cutoff pentode
8x 6L6 RCA beam tetrode
2x 6L6 GA Sylvaniapower pentode (glass)(metal)
1x 6SJ7 Ken-Rad pentode
1x 6SK7 Ken-Rad pentode
1x 6SL7/GT Sylvania dual triode
1x 6SN7 twin triode
1x 6SN7/GT RCA double triode
1x 6SN7/GT GE dual triode
1x 6SN7/GT Raytheon twin triode
1x 6U8A RCA triode pentode
2x 6V6 Sylvania beam power tetrode
1x 6X4 full-wave rectifier
1x 6X4 RCA full-wave rectifier
1x 6X5/GT RCA full-wave rectifier
1x 6XN7/GT Raytheon
1x 6Y6G RCA beam tetrode
1x A1757 Bell Labs
1x CRC 12A6 RCA beam tetrode
3x CRC 1619 VT 164 Ken-Rad beam power tube
1x CRC 38250 RCA USN tube
1x CRC 5Y3-GT/G RCA full wave rectifier
2x CRC 6AC7 RCA pentode
1x CRC 6AG7 RCA pentode
1x JAN CHS 5U4G Sylvania rectifier
1x JAN CHS 5Y3 GT/G Sylvania full-wave rectifier
1x JAN CHS 6SN7-GT Sylvania dual triode
1x JAN CHS 807 Sylvania tetrode
1x JAN CRC 12SF7 RCA diode pentode
1x JAN CRC 1625 RCA power pentode
1x JRC 6AG5 RCA pentode
1x JW 2C51 WE dual triode
1x OB3 VR90 Sylvania regulator tube
1x OC3 RCA stabilizer tube
1x VT-137 RCA triode
NIB Tubes:
1x 826 Belmont Radio triode
1x 826 Ken-Rad triode
2x 1625 RCA beam power tetrode
1x 5651 RCA voltage reference
1x 5687 Tung-Sol dual triode
1x 5963 RCA double triode
1x 5963 RCA double triode
2x 5963 RCA double triode
15x 2983 WE pentode (404A)
11x 15N060 AmperiteTime-delay relay
1x 12AT7 GE dual triode
1x 12AU7 AGE twin triode
1x 12AX7 RCA dual triode
6x 12AX7A RCA dual triode
1x 12SG7 GE pentode
1x 12SG7 GE pentode
1x 12SQ7GT twin diode/hi-mu triode
1x 17AY3A/12BS3A RCA half wave rectifier
11x 7GW6 RCA beam power tube
11x B3GT RCA rectifier
1x 2D21RCA4 element thyratron
1x 35L6GT RCA beam power
1x 35Z5GT RCA beam tetrode
1x 3BP1 Belmont Radio 3" Oscilloscope CRT
1x 403B WE pentode
4x 404A WE pentode
2x 412A WE full-wave rectifier
1x 5591 403B WE pentode
1x 5EW6 RCA pentode
1x 5GM6 RCA pentode
1x 5R4GY RCA full wave rectifier
2x 5U4GB Raytheon rectifier
1x 5U4GB TungSol twin diode
1x 5V4GA RCA full-wave rectifier
1x 6AL5 Hytron twin diode tube
2x 6AN8 Sylvania triode-pentode
1x 6AQ5 RCA beam power triode
1x 6EH7/EF183 RCA pentode, remote cutoff
1x 6EJ7/EF184 RCA pentode pentode
1x 6SC7Ken-Rad twin triode
2x 6SN7O WL dual triode
1x 6SN7GTB RCA double triode
1x 6X8 GE triode pentode
1x 6X8 Parts unlimited triode
1x 6X8 Philco triode
2x 6X8 RCA triode-pentode
1x CBS 6AN8 triode pentode
1x CRC 1626 VT-137 RCA power triode
2x F 52983 WE?
1x JAN 6AS6 WE pentode
1x JAN CHS 1629 Sylvania eye tube
1x JAN CKR 3E29 RCA twin-unit beam power
2x JAN CKR 3E29 Ken-Rad double beam power tube
1x JAN CKR 3E29 GE transmitting power tetrode
1x JAN CNU 12SL7GT WE twin triode
1x JAN CRC 5R4GY RCA full wave rectifier
1x JAN CRC 6SK7 VT 117 SC27.8A RCA pentode
1x JHS 5751 Sylvania dual triode (same 12AX7)
1x JNU 6C4 National Union triode
1x VT-137 (1626) (2T-137) SC
1x JRC 955 VT 121 RCA acorn triode
6x KT-66 Genalex power tetrode
2x KT-88 Genalex beam tetrode
2x VT-136 (1625) RCA beam power tetrode
Loose Tubes:
1x 931 RCA photomultiplier
1x 1625 Hytron beam power tetrode
1x 5687 dual triode
1x 5751 Tung-Sol dual triode (same 12AX7)
1x 5751 Sylvania double triode
1x 6134 Zenith pentode
1x ? RCA 5 pins
1x 12AD7 NEC double triode
4x 12AU7 ARC Atwin triode
2x 12AU7 AGE twin triode
1x 12AU7 ARC Atwin triode
1x 12AV6 Zenith double diode triode
1x 12AX7 Sylvania dual triode
2x 12AX7 Westinghouse dual triode
3x 12AX7 RCA dual triode
1x 12AX7 RCA dual triode
1x 12AX7 GE dual triode
1x 12AX7A RCA dual triode
1x 12BA6 RCA pentode
1x 12BA6 Zenith pentode
1x 12K8 RCA triode hexode
1x 12SG7 Sylvania pentode
1x 12SK7 Ken-Rad pentode
1x 12SK7 RCA pentode
2x 12SK7GT/G Tung-Sol pentode
1x 12SR7 RCA double diode triode
1x 35C5 RCA beam pentode
1x 35C5 beam power tube
1x 35W4 RCA half wave rectifier
1x 3A3A/3AW3/382 GE half-wave rectifier
1x 408A WE pentode
2x 412A WE full-wave rectifier
1x 4CX1000B Eimac power tetrode
3x 4CX250F RCA ceramic tetrode
1x 5V4G RCA full-wave rectifier
1x 5Y3 RCA full wave rectifier
1x 5Y4G RCA full wave rectifier
1x 62K7 RCA pentode
1x 6AC7 RCA pentode
1x 6AF4A Raytheon triode
1x 6AG7 RCA pentode
1x 6AL5 Raytheon double diode
3x 6AL5 RCA double diode
1x 6AN8 RCA triode pentode
1x 6AN8 Sylvania triode pentode
1x 6EF7/EF183 RCA remote-cutoff pentode
8x 6L6 RCA beam tetrode
2x 6L6 GA Sylvaniapower pentode (glass)(metal)
1x 6SJ7 Ken-Rad pentode
1x 6SK7 Ken-Rad pentode
1x 6SL7/GT Sylvania dual triode
1x 6SN7 twin triode
1x 6SN7/GT RCA double triode
1x 6SN7/GT GE dual triode
1x 6SN7/GT Raytheon twin triode
1x 6U8A RCA triode pentode
2x 6V6 Sylvania beam power tetrode
1x 6X4 full-wave rectifier
1x 6X4 RCA full-wave rectifier
1x 6X5/GT RCA full-wave rectifier
1x 6XN7/GT Raytheon
1x 6Y6G RCA beam tetrode
1x A1757 Bell Labs
1x CRC 12A6 RCA beam tetrode
3x CRC 1619 VT 164 Ken-Rad beam power tube
1x CRC 38250 RCA USN tube
1x CRC 5Y3-GT/G RCA full wave rectifier
2x CRC 6AC7 RCA pentode
1x CRC 6AG7 RCA pentode
1x JAN CHS 5U4G Sylvania rectifier
1x JAN CHS 5Y3 GT/G Sylvania full-wave rectifier
1x JAN CHS 6SN7-GT Sylvania dual triode
1x JAN CHS 807 Sylvania tetrode
1x JAN CRC 12SF7 RCA diode pentode
1x JAN CRC 1625 RCA power pentode
1x JRC 6AG5 RCA pentode
1x JW 2C51 WE dual triode
1x OB3 VR90 Sylvania regulator tube
1x OC3 RCA stabilizer tube
1x VT-137 RCA triode
Clearly, a plea for help. His wife wants the stuff out of the house right now. I am ready to take one for the team and accept the whole lot. I can pay shipping. PM me.
Sorry about the format. The Excel sheet didn't import well.... Also, I was limited to 3000 characters.... The wife doesn't really care about the tubes, as they are not that big, but she hates all the speakers, R2R tape recorders, turntables and amps... fills about a 1K ft^2 room... this will teach me to clean out my parent's house.... half the stuff went into 20-yard dumpsters, like the 5MHz scopes. I want to downsize and simplify, and will never use the stuff. (have the pieces for a 3kV supply at about an amp... Jacob's ladder anyone?)
Dumpster? ooog. bad vibes.
You might give a hint as to where you are located?
Maybe some kind soul will come by and relieve you of your burden.
The electronics not the wife, sorry.
Not to hijack this thread, but this is a small world... I remember you from RPI and the audio club (I was the guy with all the K-horns jammed into a dorm room)...
Anyway, we only threw the relatively useless stuff into the dumpsters (AR tower, quad, 5MHz tek scopes, homebrew transmatches etc... and I kept the pseudo-good stuff, like the tubes and vintage audio equipment... Some of it will go for free, but a fair price would do (people went crazy on EBay for WE 713C drivers and horns). If this site would let me put on longer posts than 3K characters, I could list the remainder of the stuff.
I am actually in Thailand right now (going through a VPN from one of my servers, thus explaining the local time you are on) but I visit the Northeast quite a bit... Albany, Little Falls, etc are only a couple hours from Boston, and most of the stuff is near Beantown.
Only rule I have is that if there is something you want to take, then I get the right to also require you to take something you don't want "inventory reduction".
When I get back, I will get everything set out, take some pictures, and see what people are interested in (and if I have the time, set up a nice big Jacob's ladder )
When were you at RPI? I was there 91-92. At the time, I had no funds for toys, so it was all work and no play.
My father taught me how to build K-horns when I was a kid... thus it took us a U-Haul behind the Dodge Wagon to get them there... (the things parents will do for their kids... but we all turned out ok...)
You post-date me a little ways, but you are right... it was all work and no play, but we needed an escape from the stress...
I would guess that the saying "With Das (professor), your *ss was grass) was a little past your time.
Though before my time, I am still working on figuring how to improve a Citation-II.. Geez, those guys were smart (for designing amplifiers and speakers), given the limited technology they had (even though this amp was designed by HK, not BL).
What turntables / tonearms do you have available?
Junky ones... Dual 1228, Dual 1214... My brother grabbed the good one (don't recall the model) that was direct-drive... Tonearms are all factory.... I only kept them so I could get the vinyl onto a CD. Perhaps it is because I have a tin ear, but 'snap, crackle pop', rumble, and feedback from high dB levels no longer does it for me. (Just my opinion).
"If this site would let me put on longer posts than 3K characters, I could list the remainder of the stuff"
??? you do not have to put all in one post, you can break it in multiple posts...
Correct, and could put it in a format that this forum will accept. Perhaps for another day.
When were you at RPI? I was there 91-92. At the time, I had no funds for toys, so it was all work and no play.
RPI?! I was at Clarkson at that time. I'm sorry about all the beatings your hockey team took at the hands of the Clarkson team.
Anyway, we only threw the relatively useless stuff into the dumpsters (AR tower, quad,
5MHz tek scopes, homebrew transmatches etc...
i find this to be quite sad.
no tellin what was wasted.
tek scopes have very high quality parts.
$ thousands $ down the drain ...
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