NPE Cap Options

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SO I am trying to do the simple thing of replacing the 90uF 100v NPE caps in my ADS 910 speakers and am finding it more difficult to find replacements than I would have thought. I do not want to go poly with these so I do not need to get feedback pertaining to that option unless of course you have done so in this exact application and think I might be going down the wrong path.

I have yet to find any straight up 90 uF's, but I can of course put 2 different values together of either Parts Express or Erse NPE's. I was hoping to find something that folks felt were better than those brands for whatever reason. I found Mundorf E-Cap Raw, but nobody in the US has them. Audiyo in Canada has them but shipping is $16 for $8.00 in caps.

Any thoughts or recommendations?
I have yet to find any straight up 90 uF's, but I can of course put 2 different values together of either Parts Express or Erse NPE's. I was hoping to find something that folks felt were better than those brands for whatever reason.

Those two brands are all you will ever need for a quality NPE cap.
If you still think you need better than that, then consider an overkill
in the form of a poly cap. I would most certainly never do that.
Concentrating too much on filter parts quality is a child of marketing.
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