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For Sale NIB Tango NY-15-3.5S Output Transformer Hirata Electric Corp

Things you have for sale.
Spec Sheet.jpgTango Boxes.jpg

Offering a pair of New in the Box single ended audio output transformers. Complete with original documentation and metal “Tango” plates. One transformer was removed, but left in its plastic wrap, for photo. These are the top of the line original Hirata Tango transformers with Permalloy Core. 45% Nickel Primary. Virtually unobtainable now.

Asking $2750. Buyer to pay all shipping costs.

Impedance Primary 3.5 K Ohms
Secondary 0-4-8-16 Ohms
Power 15 Watts (30Hz)
Frequency Response 20Hz-45Hz (-2dB, 4v, rp=zp, Ib=90mA)
Primary Inductance Min. 23H (1mW), Max 30H (50Hz, Ib=90A)
Max DC current 200mA Loss 0.41dB (16 Ohms)
Primary DC Resistance 115 Ohms
Dimensions W110mm D110mm H114mm Weight 4.5 kg
Color Hammer Tone Grey


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