What drivers would you use for a 3 way high efficiency low cost speaker.
I am thinking Eminence Delta 12LF, Eminece Alpha 6, Eminence APT 150
should cost no more than £300. for 2 of each of them, however crossovers rather scare me, is there anyone that will build one for me that wont be more than the drivers themselves - or should i just buy a behringer active XO - but then i need 3 amps, and 3 amps means mo money.
I think three way makes more sense because of the cone break up that large drivers exhibt, and also becase a 12"LF driver and tweeter can be placed one above the other, whereas using a midrange the cabinet must be taller to accomodate the driver thus giving larger cabinet volume.
These will be used to annoy the neighbours and give me a rather large smile. My current speakers are Kef Cresta 2's -+3db 55hz or something. And i am never satisfied with the bass unless i turn it all the way up on my amp, but then the sound becomes muddled, and i dont want to damage them.
p.s why shouldn't you use car speakers for home use, they seem perfect, good sensitivity low f's, low vas?
Does the car act like room gain, if so, how.
p.p.s are there pa speaker designs that utilize eminence speakers (low cost and easily available) except for PI speakers, as i can't find, dont want to spend money on, plans
I am thinking Eminence Delta 12LF, Eminece Alpha 6, Eminence APT 150
should cost no more than £300. for 2 of each of them, however crossovers rather scare me, is there anyone that will build one for me that wont be more than the drivers themselves - or should i just buy a behringer active XO - but then i need 3 amps, and 3 amps means mo money.
I think three way makes more sense because of the cone break up that large drivers exhibt, and also becase a 12"LF driver and tweeter can be placed one above the other, whereas using a midrange the cabinet must be taller to accomodate the driver thus giving larger cabinet volume.
These will be used to annoy the neighbours and give me a rather large smile. My current speakers are Kef Cresta 2's -+3db 55hz or something. And i am never satisfied with the bass unless i turn it all the way up on my amp, but then the sound becomes muddled, and i dont want to damage them.
p.s why shouldn't you use car speakers for home use, they seem perfect, good sensitivity low f's, low vas?
Does the car act like room gain, if so, how.
p.p.s are there pa speaker designs that utilize eminence speakers (low cost and easily available) except for PI speakers, as i can't find, dont want to spend money on, plans
You sound like you know just about enough to need a kit! But I don't know if you will find a three-way for 300UKP so you may do better to settle on a two-way!
May I suggest one of the transmission line kits from IPL. All Ivan's designs are thoroughly tried and tested, and highly recommended by all who buy them. 😉
BTW - when you get a good hi-fi, you will enjoy the music too much to worry about annoying the neighbours!
May I suggest one of the transmission line kits from IPL. All Ivan's designs are thoroughly tried and tested, and highly recommended by all who buy them. 😉
BTW - when you get a good hi-fi, you will enjoy the music too much to worry about annoying the neighbours!

Agreed, a kit might be a good way to go. IPL Acoustics have a nice 3-way transmission line (TL) that is just a bit over your budget. Take a look here
The S5tl Dome model in basic kit form is £330 and reaches down to 22Hz. The component mix looks pretty decent, in fact, the tweeter is damned good, one of the best you can buy before you get into silly money. If it's too costly it might be worth giving them a ring to ask if you can substitute for a cheaper model, possibly still from within the Morel line-up, and re-align the cross-over slightly. For £300 they should be willing to gain a customer and find something for your needs and wallet.
I haven't heard any IPL's speakers, but their designs seem sound. TL speakers in general sound like a good option for you if you love tight, rhytmic, extended bass. I had the pleasure of listening to a PMC monitor at a hi-fi show (not the greatest locale for critical listening!), it was IB1 going on memory. It simply had the best bass reproduction I had ever encountered, my chest ached with the low frequency assault, and my heart ached with desire. This thing reduced me to tears, of joy, so emotive was the experience. This was my first experience of transmission lines, and it left me suitably impressed.
Check out PMC's website here and you will notice how similar the IB1 is to the S5tl kit I mentioned above. Similar cabinet volume, extension, 10" woofer, 3" dome midrange (likely the same Vifa model), soft dome tweeter, just arranged the other way up! Oh, the other difference is that the IB1 costs 10x as much, £3900. Agreed, it does have a rather special main driver, but I think you would be able to gain a large amount of its performance from building your own. Mark-up at the high end of -fi is truly shocking.
Just some thoughts anyway. 🙂
The S5tl Dome model in basic kit form is £330 and reaches down to 22Hz. The component mix looks pretty decent, in fact, the tweeter is damned good, one of the best you can buy before you get into silly money. If it's too costly it might be worth giving them a ring to ask if you can substitute for a cheaper model, possibly still from within the Morel line-up, and re-align the cross-over slightly. For £300 they should be willing to gain a customer and find something for your needs and wallet.
I haven't heard any IPL's speakers, but their designs seem sound. TL speakers in general sound like a good option for you if you love tight, rhytmic, extended bass. I had the pleasure of listening to a PMC monitor at a hi-fi show (not the greatest locale for critical listening!), it was IB1 going on memory. It simply had the best bass reproduction I had ever encountered, my chest ached with the low frequency assault, and my heart ached with desire. This thing reduced me to tears, of joy, so emotive was the experience. This was my first experience of transmission lines, and it left me suitably impressed.
Check out PMC's website here and you will notice how similar the IB1 is to the S5tl kit I mentioned above. Similar cabinet volume, extension, 10" woofer, 3" dome midrange (likely the same Vifa model), soft dome tweeter, just arranged the other way up! Oh, the other difference is that the IB1 costs 10x as much, £3900. Agreed, it does have a rather special main driver, but I think you would be able to gain a large amount of its performance from building your own. Mark-up at the high end of -fi is truly shocking.
Just some thoughts anyway. 🙂
I don't think i said everything that i should have
what i would like to use the speakers for, major parties - going to university soon, and occasionally be used for light pa use, but will be HIFI enough to compete/better my cresta 2's.
There is nothing like feeling the punch of bass deep in your belly it makes the music come alive much more.
I really want a 3 way (hmm that sounds a little odd) because i really dont want to comprise, i know i could get a better drivers if i only bought 2 as apposed to 3, but from what i've gained and gathered from the net, is that more drivers means that each individual driver can 'concentrate' more on its task.
And i think the 3 drivers mentioned would do a good enough job. for the outlay.
is it worth considering, car speakers, and or celestion truvox speakers
Celestion Truvox Page
as they are roughly the same price as eminence units.
what i would like to use the speakers for, major parties - going to university soon, and occasionally be used for light pa use, but will be HIFI enough to compete/better my cresta 2's.
There is nothing like feeling the punch of bass deep in your belly it makes the music come alive much more.
I really want a 3 way (hmm that sounds a little odd) because i really dont want to comprise, i know i could get a better drivers if i only bought 2 as apposed to 3, but from what i've gained and gathered from the net, is that more drivers means that each individual driver can 'concentrate' more on its task.
And i think the 3 drivers mentioned would do a good enough job. for the outlay.
is it worth considering, car speakers, and or celestion truvox speakers
Celestion Truvox Page
as they are roughly the same price as eminence units.
seekingwisdom said:I don't think i said everything that i should have
what i would like to use the speakers for, major parties - going to university soon, and occasionally be used for light pa use, but will be HIFI enough to compete/better my cresta 2's.
There is nothing like feeling the punch of bass deep in your belly it makes the music come alive much more.
I really want a 3 way (hmm that sounds a little odd) because i really dont want to comprise, i know i could get a better drivers if i only bought 2 as apposed to 3, but from what i've gained and gathered from the net, is that more drivers means that each individual driver can 'concentrate' more on its task.
And i think the 3 drivers mentioned would do a good enough job. for the outlay.
is it worth considering, car speakers, and or celestion truvox speakers
Celestion Truvox Page
as they are roughly the same price as eminence units.
Didn't you hear Nuuk & Noksukau?
If you want something that decent go with the IPL. It'll do all that you list with ease. Deep base isn't a problem with these designs.
Don't forget that you'll need to be quite handy with passive XO's to pull a 3-way off and extract the best from the Eminence's. Anything less is a waste of money.
Car audio speakers, as long as we're not talking 6x9's, are fine for home audio. Subs especially like the JL W7.
Personally if I didn't want my £300 wasting, I'd go for a kit.
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