Hi Gents,
Newbee non tech type here, but wants to build a Pass F5.😱
For the F5 PSU the CAPS i like the look of are the Munforf M lytic, as i have a Paul Daniels PSC PCB i have only two caps per channel to fit on the PCB, hence two 47,000 uF /25v Mundorf Mlytic (about £16 each from Hi Fi collective) may fit the bill.
However i read form the help Guide at the DIY store that its the peak (not RMS) voltage is the limitation factor- as i would use 18v Amtek transformer 18 x 1.414 = peak voltage of 25.452 (ish) volts but have a surge voltage of 29 Volts and have an overall rating of 20% "extra" voltage rating (32.5 volts) but am i sailing to close to the wind with there tolerances?
(any better caps for the price ?)
Also i have a chance to get a pair of transformers for the F5 they are rated at 230v IN/ 18 OUT--but my local voltage is 240V hence i would get more than 18v out?--this would again push my preferred choice of caps to the limit voltage wise (and be to high for the F5 also) I dont think caps react very well to overvoltage🙄
Any Help appreciated gents-
Newbee non tech type here, but wants to build a Pass F5.😱
For the F5 PSU the CAPS i like the look of are the Munforf M lytic, as i have a Paul Daniels PSC PCB i have only two caps per channel to fit on the PCB, hence two 47,000 uF /25v Mundorf Mlytic (about £16 each from Hi Fi collective) may fit the bill.
However i read form the help Guide at the DIY store that its the peak (not RMS) voltage is the limitation factor- as i would use 18v Amtek transformer 18 x 1.414 = peak voltage of 25.452 (ish) volts but have a surge voltage of 29 Volts and have an overall rating of 20% "extra" voltage rating (32.5 volts) but am i sailing to close to the wind with there tolerances?
(any better caps for the price ?)
Also i have a chance to get a pair of transformers for the F5 they are rated at 230v IN/ 18 OUT--but my local voltage is 240V hence i would get more than 18v out?--this would again push my preferred choice of caps to the limit voltage wise (and be to high for the F5 also) I dont think caps react very well to overvoltage🙄
Any Help appreciated gents-