New tweeter

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I want to replace my tweeter with a new one but couldn't find any tweeter I like in the 8 ohm section so I'm testing a pair of Seas 25TAC/G H400 and it's 6 ohm, what is the result of putting a 6 ohm tweeter where a 8ohm tweeter once was?

I know it's a probably a stupid question but I'm a noob so I need you tp be patient :xeye:
Yes, the frequencies that the 6 ohm driver is to reproduce will present a lower impedance to the amplifier. So as long as your amp can handle 6 Ohms (or even better, 4 Ohms), you are good to go.

Just remember that if you are replacing drivers in an existing speaker system, that you will most likely be dissapointed with the results unless you rework the crossover for the new tweeter.
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