New to me again - Troubleshooting and repair.

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Hi there, my name is Vin.

Worked in an Electronics Repair Shop for 2 years while in high school in the early 90's. Took Electronics/Telecommunications and then Computer Technology and Process Control. Did repairs on the side for spare cash.

Since College I've been doing mainly Industrial Automation and Plant Floor IT. In the last 6 years I've gone on my own as a sole Contractor.

In the last year I've started to do basic repairs on Vintage Amps and have restored a Technics SL-1200MK2, recapped a few Vintage amps and fixed a few Tape Decks..

Missing the electronics i've bought bench equipment to have an easier time at fixing some of the items that have come across my bench.

Newest on my bench to fix is an MTX Thunder 895. A thread regarding someone else's repair is what brought me here. Unfortunately for me this one has no physical evidence of a failure and I can't find the schematic for it anywhere.

So I may be asking some questions here as I dig in to this.

Thanks, great place with lots of information. I'm digging the amp kits in the store. I've been looking for something like this. 🙂

What is the probationary limit on posts? I tried finding it in the Rules but didn't see it.

So I may be asking some questions here as I dig in to this.


Hello Vin - and Welcome to DiyAudio!!! 😀😀😀

1st thing to learn here is that I only have two functional brain cells left so don't take any advice that I give you....

2nd is that I've been 49 y/o 19 times now so don't take any advice that I give you....

3rd is that Imma real smartass so don't take any advice that I give you...

Good luck and good hunting!!! 😉
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