New Ohio Member, First Speaker Project Photos

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Been meaning to join for awhile. Attached are pictures of my first DIY loudspeakers, As you will see I used the Fountek fw168 6.5 mid woofer with an SB acoustics SB29RDC tweeter. X-over is 2nd order butter with an impedance matcher on the tweeter. I am really impressed by the SB tweeter, it rivals the best of the electrostats that I have heard. The woofer is extended outward to match the voicecoil of the tweeter. Imaging and sound stage are pretty good, I am not sure that I am in love with the aluminum mid woofer, maybe after I break it in I will feel different, it sure is a punchy little fellow. Anyhow take a look at the photos if you want. Happy to share my hobby with you all, not many people understand how fanatical I am about good sound. Garry
Missing Pictures

I will take another stab at posting photos of my DIY.


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Not sure if I should post this here but I also design and build my own amps. I am building a project featuring a separately enclosed power supply into a large enclosure that houses a class a, a dc coupled amp, a class d, and a Tripath amp so that I can switch between them as I desire. I am a former audio engineer, cad/cam dude, musician, pilot, and am a Juris Doctor by trade (judicial magistrate)-I like to have all practical alternatives available to me to decide cases before me and am applying that philos to my taste in amplifiers. I will post updates as permitted by the moderator, but I am currently machining the enclosure. I have critically listened to most of the high end amplifiers out there and am looking forward to containing my favorites into a single large enclosure that I can switch between with an IR remote. Any thoughts are appreciated, I will share the Enclosure design and supplier with the group, as well as any circuits that I have devised or incorporated. Again, thanks for sharing my hobby. Hopefully my pictures made it to the thread.
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