New member looking for info

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My name is Scott. I found this forum when I did a web search to try and repair an old stereo I own. I am hoping I can find some information or maybe someone can point me in the right direction. I work in a technical field however I am not in the Audio / Visual industry. I have worked on a varity of equipment and vehicles. I started in the service working on night vison equipment, Tow, Dragon missle systems fire control equipment systems. (Those systems have probably really dated me LOL) After the service I work on mailing equipment and then moved into Metrology and instrumentation. I have taught myself and obtained experience working on vehicles including a complete engine rebuild, and suspension swap. I am always looking to learn and expand my knowledge. It seems that very few people try to repair anything anymore. Maybe I am just old and cheap. Anyway, I just want to say hello.

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