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Neotech UP-OCC silver/PTFE 22AWG Cryo

Selling Neotech UP-OCC 22AWG silver at an unbeatable price!!

I have approx. 150 ft of Neotech SOST-22, 22AWG silver in PTFE.
The wire has been deep cryo-treated at TakeFive Audio in Canada.

Selling it by the foot for $10/ft from the spool.
Please, note that it is 22AWG, and not 24AWG!
This price is the lowest you can find! Period.

PTFE (Teflon), 300V
Conductor: UP-OCC Silver solid core (Pure silver to 99.99998%)
AWG: 22 / 0.32mm²
Blue color

Perfect for interconnects, or internal wiring. Bundle up a few strands for the finest speaker jumpers.

Is is easy to strip off the outer jacket if you want to substitute it with cotton or silk. I have done it with 5 ft lengths.

(The reason for selling is that we now have our wire made to specs. in large volumes.)

Minimum order is 5 ft. Ships WorldWide for $16. Payment via Paypal.

Please, contact me at info @ whistleraudio. com if you have any questions.

Best regards


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