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For Sale Nelson Pass Bride of Zen Balanced Linestage Preamp

Things you have for sale.
What a cool design... and it looks like it's worth more than your ask, to my eye.

I don't understand it, admittedly -- why four controls on the input level and volume instead of two (one for each channel)?

Also, echoing the above comment, clever idea with the bands to lock the controls.
That is a piece of DIY art!

Love the rubber bands! Here is what I did.

Mono pots are my favorite, and there are some really great ideas similar to what you show here. Why isn't anyone else doing this? Just makes good sense. In this photo I am showing the 'stacked knobs' approach. I used an outer knob with an inner knob on the front, but usually same sized knobs are used stacked one on the top of the other.


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