Need part for kac1023 part# E13-1401-05

Hey everyone new here and needing help finding a part for a kenwood kac1023 amplifier. I broke the rca jack to the amp and removed it from the board to purchase a new one but never could locate one. Now I can't find the part I pulled off to show a picture of it. I found a site that sells the part but it is now unavailable and wont be sold anymore. Please if anyone knows where I can get the rca block that has a total of 4 Jack's 2 input and 2 output kenwood part number I think is a E13-1401-05 would be greatly appreciated. Unless someone has a kenwood kac1023 laying in their basement that is no longer working that I could purchase would be greatly appreciated. Let me know and thanks for reading.
Have you tried Mouser, Digikey or even Ebay for a generic replacement?

The pin spacing and the jack spacing can vary so you may have to measure carefully to get something that fits correctly. The colors of the jacks aren't likely to match but that's insignificant to the function of the amp.

There are also panel mount jacks that can mount in the metal faceplate and then be wired into the board. The holes in the faceplate will likely have to be drilled out.
I believe this is what the back of yours should look like:


That part number comes up for various Kenwood units, even some old turntables/phonographs, and other amps as well. You might ask this guy for some additional pictures, because this might be correct:

Kenwood KR-V106R Original RCA Jack. CD/AUX Rec/Tape 1. Parting Out KR-V106R | eBay