Need Help with replacement driver for Meadowlark Nightingale

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I need to replace the midrange drivers in a pair of Meadowlark Nightingales. The original drivers are Audax HM100Z0.

I would like to know what the best midrange is that I could
use as a replacement, without the need to make any
extensive crossover modifications.

I appreciate any input. Thanks.
You must find some HM100Z0 left somewhere in the world by emailing the former Audax distributors. I have substituted burned out piezos with Audax dynamic tweeters in a Nightingale pair.
The 6dB cross is very delicate. Better avoid experiments till you know you cant get the original replacements. In such a case I would try HM100C0.
The main problem for you is that the HM100Z0 had a very high sensitivity...93dB.
Madisound has 2 Aerogel drivers that are similar to yours...the HM100Z2 and AM100Z0, but they are around 6dB less efficient, and wouldn't work.

You might start trying to search for some on ebay. Or try getting in touch with to see if they could find you a pair.

Is Meadowlark out of business already? Here's their contact page:
Thanks for all of your replies so far.

In response to jbateman, yes Meadowlark is out of business.
I will try Zalytron.

In response to 2020audio, I don't think that your drivers
would be suitable for me, but thanks for the offer.
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