My new Pre-amp from parts at least a year old! Can not beat Bugle for the price!

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This little thing sounds great. I can compare it to my Squeezebox 3 with modifications (basically Boulder analog, but it was a repair) and man I forgot how much Vinyl rocks and how much digital lacks in ways... I am running an MMF-5 with Grado Gold cartridge, and some sticky tack between it and the arm (works great for dampening, my low end is very detailed).

I wired with cotton insulation wire so I tried to make it not touch any other stuff, sort of point to pointish instead of doing it all in a bundle. The grounds are all wired together (jumpered to Bugle from the first three RCA's, because I did not want to get it back to the needle).

Their is an Alps Blue Pot, and some sorta switch from Parts Connexion (extremely nice, extremely hard to turn with knob).

Exodus (where on sale I think) RCA's from DIY Cable (really nice), FC capacitors and select stuff from Digikey for the Power Supply to Bugle, and some 2604 Op-amps I ordered on accident in position two and three on the Bugle. I like them better than the original but they are not as low of noise I guess so I left position one the original recommended Op-amp.

(Ignore the severed ground, I was just thinking I had a ground loop, but I will put it back later, not important for playback entirely)




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