My little plan for nice PC speakers / workable?

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My significant other has made of with my Alesis monitors I use for my computer and now runs them as mains in her living room, which they do quite nicely. Heck, the big Alesis were a bit overkill and I needed more desk room anyways. However, having been spoiled with big monitors for my PC I've become frustrated with even the high end electronic store alternatives; Klipsch, Logitech, etc.

Having built some 'kit' two ways in the past with my hi-fi buddies, and had exellent results doing so, I figured I could build my own PC speakers to my own specifications and preference. Still, I admit I'm a bit of a newb at the crossover end of things and looking for any advice I can get.

What's critical for me is I don't have a speaker with a lot of width because they will be on my desk. 4 to 4.5" width...tops. I could care less how tall they are, and up to 10" deep is fine with me. I'll power them with a decent, vanilla A/V reciever I have laying around, and I do not require glass shattering volume.

As I sketch this thin profile design out it seems one design in particular would work well, and that's a MTM with 3" mids. I could maybe stick a low profile 5-6" mid woofer in the side....but that's theoretical. Lets' stick to my skill level for now.

Keeping price in mind and reading Zaphaudio's web site, I've roughly settled on the Hi-Vi B3S as a mid, and perhaps the Dayton ND20TB as teeter. I'm certainly open to other combinations provided the price doesn't get too far out of line. Given that MTMs sound a bit bright anyways, I'm wondering if there's a better tweeter that won't require so much padding down.

Biggest question. In a near field MTM like this, how far should the drivers be apart? Note: I also plan on building the front speaker face slanted a few degrees upward to accomodate listening position.

Any advice or criticism appreciated.
Wseaton said:
I do not require glass shattering volume... Given that MTMs sound a bit bright anyways, I'm wondering if there's a better tweeter that won't require so much padding down.

If you dislike brightness and don't require much loudness, why not just use a single B3S? Then you could use Zaph's design as-is.

Wseaton said:
Biggest question. In a near field MTM like this, how far should the drivers be apart? Note: I also plan on building the front speaker face slanted a few degrees upward to accomodate listening position.

Naturally, for a nearfield two-way, the closer the better. Because you're closer to the speakers, you can more easily and clearly distinguish between the drivers. The Dayton micro neo tweeters are tiny, tiny, tiny and will allow close spacing. Just make sure to leave room (and chamfer the inside hole) for the Hi-Vi to breathe, which is shown in Zaph's design.

Good luck! 🙂
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