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Must sell vifa PL18 $20 Vifa pl tweeters $30

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Got a used, never abused PL18 8ohm

a little coating has pulled off where I used some glue, and a teeny dent in dustcap. Never found a use for it.

Get 3 more and you have a killer mini tower for rock/techno...

boston area -pickup or delivery considered. shipping will be a bit. and no overseas/Canada.

Tweeters are the PL27 TG-35. (a pair) Altogether new, if you can stand solder on the terminals. Get specs @ parts express, which is where I got them. These show a rising response ~10k and need a bit of an inductor. Shipping should be no problem at~$10

broker.bxz (at) gee!mail.uno wot
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