multiple full range drivers as 3-way speaker

I came across a speaker manufacturer called Grandale Audio ( )
they seems to have one flagship full range driver of around 3-4" which they have used it in all their speakers.
its available on amazon

this driver has Fs at 110hz and been used in line array model G7 ( )

now I plan to use these drivers in a floor stander but not as line array. Instead I plan to use 8 of them as woofers in a sealed or ported box to handle below 300hz. two of them as mids to handle from 300-3khz. then use two drivers as tweeters. one in the front at ear level and one at top as ambience tweeter.

will such a configuration work? I am guessing this configuration is called 2.5 way??

since all are same drivers I shall go with single order filter network.
ok then I guess I misheard about 2.5way. Don't know what is above configuration called.
in any case, is it possible to make this design work?
I see few advantages
1. simple xover design = low cost
2. tonal match between woofer, mid and tweeter as all of them are same drivers!
3. increased SPL at low end = easy drive for amp
Your description sounds like 3-way. You have three groups of drivers, each group handling their own bandwidth.

I think its interesting concept which should work just like conventional 3-way. The only disadvantage I see is high Fs of that driver. Even if you have 8 of them doing low-end you wont be able to achieve deep bass.
Unless some active boost is used, like in a Bose 901 speakers for eg.
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I am ok with 2-way configuration. now need to confirm if using two of these drivers either one below the other or side-by-side would cause any lobing issues at high frequency. the main reason I decided to make it 3-way was to avoid lobing (as explained in line array speaker designs).
Full range drivers lobe by themselves at the highest frequencies but using multiples will bring that lower in frequency and introduce some inconsistencies.

However it's no different than the issues everyone deals with when doing a crossover.

If you are using multiple mids because you are worried about power handling, you might consider crossing higher instead perhaps?
what are your suggestions for xover points?
looking at below chart, I understand our ears are most sensitive in mid range and upper mid range (ie from 800hz to 5khz). This range I want to cover using two mids. for freq above 5khz, I could add a super tweeter I guess provided I can find one with impedance match with mids so that I can use just one small capacitor. Then it can look like a MTM configuration. using a tweeter at 5khz, I hope will avoid any lobing issues and let mids do their job cleanly.
And as mentioned, 8 woofers will cover lowest possible freq to upto 800hz.
So one inductor for woofers at xover of 600hz with single order rolloff
one capacitor at 600hz and one inductor at 4.5khz or so for mids
one capacitor at 4.5khz or so for tweeter (3/4" tweeter or super tweeter would suffice I think)

looks like a Chinese factory driver. They are slowly getting better at it.
That website is not even half finished, I wouldn't buy anything from them unless they were living next door and I could see the whole thing! The choice of 24 drivers is strange... but anyway...

4x 3.5" drivers will not give you bass. Unless bass around 100Hz is enough for you. Lower than that will not have much impact, and if pushed, distortion will rise quickly.

There's not much data, but that deep cone will probably beam very early, so the highs will drop as soon as you move slightly away from on-axis.
This looks interesting, there would only be a need to learn the behaviour of one driver, easy to stock a single spare driver type etc. But I assume it is a compromise because a dedicated bass, mid and tweeter drivers should easily out-perform your approach. The usual reason for a full range driver is to avoid cross-overs and spatially separated sound sources.
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Floor stander sounds like good idea.

Much more easy and cost effective to get bass from a woofer.

you have to account for baffle step and what you loose to full space.
So basically everything goes bye bye around 200 / 300 Hz.

otherwise looks like pretty decent fiber cone with copper rings.
So yes would be a very good midrange.
as many 3 inch drivers are excellent midrange.
unfortunately sensitivity limited to usually 84 to 87 dB

trying to use 2 as mids depends on center to center spacing.
where the vertical will fall apart.

with one mid yes the tweeter could be crossed very high around 3 or 4K
with 2 mids likely fall apart before that on vertical so 2 mids would
lower the tweeter crossover.

1st orders are easy and fun. wont sum well, distortion kicks in early.
adding a tiny inductor gets you 2nd order. another cap 3rd order.
Coils are cheap for tweets. Bass coils are the ones that get yah.
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What if you had 4 for bass, then 4 more full range, with three cut off above 8,000 Hz, and let the peek in the last one fill in. I have used multiple full range drivers, mostly two per speaker, wired in series, with a 1.5 if cap across one to bias the treble to one driver. I've also used four drivers, in my traffic light speakers I used three in the front and one in the back, with treble biased to the middle front. In my quad cube (pictured) they're wired in series/parallel with one cap to bias the treble to one, disspite 4 drivers, there's no beaming; you could do the same, just with the addition of 4 more (or 8) to augment the bass.
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I can see using the same drivers (if the Z is flat) to make 6db crossed speakers, absolutely.

And 4 x 4" doing the bass versus a single one, say crossed at 300hz, that makes sense also.

Eventhough 4 x 4" drivers may equal the cone area of a 6.5" (I think), you still have a high F3 due to the smaller drivers' high(ish) Fs.