Morel ET448 Problem

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Hello everyone! Recently I've decided building my own speakers using Morel drivers, 25mm thick MDF and Chestnut wood.
I went through designing the box, calculating the volume using BassBox 6 Pro and then I fired up XOver 3 Pro for the crossover.
The problem is that Morel doesn't say ANYWHERE what are the QMS and QES values for the ET448 tweeter. How am I supposed to deisgn a crossover without them?!

Anyway, if anyone could help, it would be very helpful, thanks
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The Qms, Qes and the total Qts is not of importance to making
a tweeter XO filter. These values are telling you what would FR
look in the region near its Fs. You have probaly heard of underdamped,
overdamped and in between values. You usually want to limit the
tweeter response around Fs in order not to overheat the unit and
keep it from overall failure by choosing filter components so its
HP is shifted to the right section of the frequency scale at about
2 kHz or similar. In case you're interested in calculating the Q
values, there is the impedance plot and after you trace it with an
appropriate software( SPL Tools, FPGraphTracer), you take
the formulae for TS parameters and you're done.
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