modding z-2300 subwoofer amplifier help? (and what is the weird thingie?)

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HI all

Iam taking apart my logitech z-2300 subwoofer so I can build it in a new cabinet integrated with the TV furniture. Now I thought: Would it be possible to modify the amp? Replace the big samxon caps? Or the small ones (close up added)? Or both? I have taken a picture of the board and tried to explain a bit what is what for as far as it is not visible on the pic. Any Ideas?

I would also like to know what the thing is that I labelled weird thingie. I have also posted a close up of it. Curious!

BTW Iam only using the z2300 for the subwoofer, my gainclone wichg iam finbishing this week is powering a set of Anthony Gallo Nucleus satelites.

Tnx! Erik


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