Mitchell & Johnson power amp schematic?

I have an M&J S815 power amp, working fine, but since they're out of business with no contact info, can anyone help me locate a schematic? I've talked to the local importer and they had no info.
Sorry, but have only just seen this. If you are still selling it the following might be helpful.

From what I can tell the new Leema Acoustics Gravitron power amplifier is an updated version of the S815. I could be worth contacting Leema Acosutics (in Wales) to see what they say. Both Mitchell and Johnson and Leema shared the same distributor and, unlike most M & J products, the S815, along with the matching pre-amp and CD player were made in the UK - I’m assuming by Leema themselves.

Hope this helps?
No problem. Davlec Ltd are the company that manufactures products for Leema - they are linked on Leema’s website. I assume they also made the M & J 800 series.

What do you think of the S815? They do come up for sale occasionally here in the UK.