Not sure if this question should be posted in “Solid State” or “Construction Tips”. Sorry if its in the wrong place. I’m presently rebuilding an old Adcom GFA-545 MKI amplifier. Upon reassembly, I cut the B- rail lead to short going to the PS. I lifted the board and replaced the existing 16 guage wire with 14 guage. After putting it back together, I wondered if the difference in wire sizes between the B- and B+ leads would cause an imbalance. The leads are only 2-4 inches long. Is this a concern. I guess I could fire it up (bad choice of words) and measure the difference. I don’t think it will make a significant difference. Theoretically I probably should replace all the leads the same 14 guage wire even on the other channel. Comments?
Say you go to and from work on a dual-lane highway. And somehow both to and from are identical.
The town re-paves one side to be 0.001% smoother/faster. Is your to/from travel now unbalanced?
I don't think you can measure a difference (without fantastic equipment).
I think even #16 is WAY more than it needs for clean speech/music playing. The #16 may be designed for severe bench-testing loads. Or not really designed so much as "this feels OK".
The town re-paves one side to be 0.001% smoother/faster. Is your to/from travel now unbalanced?
I don't think you can measure a difference (without fantastic equipment).
I think even #16 is WAY more than it needs for clean speech/music playing. The #16 may be designed for severe bench-testing loads. Or not really designed so much as "this feels OK".
It dosen't really matters but if it disturbs I personally better make them equal to rest in calm (but 2-4 inches isn't long enough length to worry).
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Ok, dumb question. I just thought with people spending $1000s on low resistance power cables, it might make a difference. Thanks for the replies.
The people spending that much on power cables are deluded, plain and simple. The different is economic, not technical!
In analog electronics rails are normally called V+ and V-, "B+" is purely a vacuum tube convention.
In analog electronics rails are normally called V+ and V-, "B+" is purely a vacuum tube convention.