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For Sale miniDSP Flex 8 w/Dirac

Things you have for sale.
Yes that is my listing on CAM.

I am willing to sell to US for additional charge to cover the additional shipping costs. In Canada it is free 🙂

The Canadian price is $795 CAD & the USD price would be $599 total with shipping included.


226 402-3236 cell #
It's a little hard to see but the FLEX 8 is on the 6th shelf from the bottom. It still has the plastic protective covering on the front 🙂
If it doesn't sell by the time I get home from work., I will add a listing here for sale tonight 🙂


  • miniDSP FLEX 8.jpg
    miniDSP FLEX 8.jpg
    688.2 KB · Views: 338
Yes the Flex 8 is excellent as will be migrating to a Flex with Dirac or a DDRC-24 which has DL as standard..... I cant believe how the music is SO COHERENT once DL is engaged! Its a time alignment correction with room taken in account....
