Matching BOSOZ > SOZ impedance

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Hi there.
I'm in the final stages of a ~5W SOZ, and I'm planning to use it
with a BOSOZ I already have built. I would like an advice concerning the best imput impedance to assign to the SOZ.
The pre does not have an output volume control, just an imput
one, and the gain is 16.5 db... maybe will be a little lowered in
the future.

I'm sure this has been answered many too times... but a search
using many keywords on this forum didn't bring anything up.
Thanks for your help,
Roberto Amato
Anything you like. The BOZ and SBOZ have impedances
around 1K, and you can go straight in from them without
an input resistor except something to keep the Mosfet
from parasitics. 221 ohms would be good. The input is
a virtual ground, and BOZ and SBOZ are perfectly happy
sourcing current into a short.
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