Massive confusion over length of SPDIF cable

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Yes, I have read the relevant threads,but they are ten years old. Surely we have learned a few things in the interim. I have already decided that compression BNCs sound best, so that part of the equation seems to be solved although I would like to know of a compression BNC with PTFE insulation. Now to length, Guido Tent says 30in or more. Martin Collums says as short as possible. I respect both of these gentlemen. Is there any work that has been done to to scientifically test the audibility of different lengths of spdif cable? Is it even possible, given the vagaries of source and DAC? Thanks and your input is appreciated.
Given a decent cable, properly terminated, and not so incredibly long that the signal gets attenuated, I think engineering says that the length does not matter. Given that boring outcome, it is hardly surprising that some audiophiles say that it does matter. In turn, it is not too surprising that some say as short as possible and others as long as reasonably possible.

If there were good engineering reasons to say 0.5m, then some audiophiles would insist on 0.48m as better and others would adopt 0.53m. Human nature.
No massive confusion here. When servicing or testing Yamaha and Soundcraft digital desks, I'd grab the first cable off the rack, one of a variety of lengths. Never noticed any difference by ear or when we used the AP ATS1.
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