Marshall MS2 Replacement part

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I'm new to this, and i got here searching through google... i'm in a big hurry, so if any of you can help me, i'll be really greatful (sorry if my english is not very accurate) ... Long history short, i have a Marshall MS2 (a friend of mine's one), it fell and didn't sounded anymore, so, i took it to a technician. He told me it was fine, that it just needed a replacement part... i don't know how you call it, we call it "integrado". Right now i don't know the model of the part because it seems somebody changed it before for a pre-amp "integrado". I think for what he told me it is a Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier... So if any of you knows what's the model of the part so we can look for it, or knows where i can get some kind of manual that shows the parts for this micro-amp, i will appreciate it... Thanks! By the way... i'm from Colombia, and i didn't have a clue that this kind of forum existed! It's very interesting i might say, and i will be visiting often, i'm sure o that!
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