marshall mg100dfx footswitchable channels

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The marshall mg100dfx has 4 channels - clean/crunch on channel 1 and OD1 and OD2 on channel 2. I can only use the footswitch to change between channel 1 and 2. If I want to use the other channels I have to press a button on the amp. Is there a way around this so all 4 channels are footswitchable? maybe a pedal with more switches?

High End MG Specifications

Thanks very much
I have to press a button on the amp. Is there a way around this so all 4 channels are footswitchable? maybe a pedal with more switches?

This should go in the Musical Instrument forum.

Button=switch. You can make this amp change the way you want, but you will have to make a box with footswitches and wire it into the amp. If you are not confident to do this, you can get a technician to do it for you.

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