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Mark Audio Alpair 10.3 for sale.

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I have a like new pair of MA Alpair 10.3 speakers for sale. I have them pictured in the Pensil cabinets that I built for them. They were used for a few months for background low volume music and are perfect condition. If you are local to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and would like the cabinets, I will sell the speakers and cabinets for $250.00. They are constructed of BB and are veneered in Sycamore. I have the boxes for the drivers and would be willing to sell them for $145.00 plus shipping to the continental U.S. and Canada only. I will not ship international.

Thanks and let me know if you have questions or to get a shipping estimate.


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I see that photo and it must be a flash reflection or something similar as the cone is in perfect condition. I will take a few non-flash photos when I get home and post those. Thanks for the find though as I did not notice that when I posted the add.
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