Marantz CD94 MKII

Looking for some advise on a possible issue with a Marantz CD94 MK II. The unit is in near mint condition and belongs to a fellow audio enthusiast. We were discussing a possible trade for a TT that I have. Note that he has always been transparent with full disclosure in the past and no different this time. He said the unit plays well with no issue most of the time … so like once every 20 times he will get a “ Disc Error “, otherwise it plays fine. I love the CD94 MK II and have always wanted one but I’m afraid that the “error “ message may be a bigger problem than just some sort of simple alignment. Maybe a problem with the laser or other major component that may no longer be obtainable. I know vintage equipment is always a gamble most of the time based on the age of the unit and not necessarily the condition. I’m aware that it’s difficult to “ Diagnose “ a problem like this without putting it on the bench of an experienced tech but at this point I’m just looking for possible past experience with something like this to make my decision easier.

So what do you all think…. Repairable or possible door stop??

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Ferret... Very interesting read. I've emailed a local tech near me and it's his opinion that the laser may be the problem but without a proper bench diagnoses there no way to tell for certain. Benching it may be the only way I may not be able to borrow it to have that done. I'll have to check with the current owner.