I purchased a Marantz CD63 Ki with a draw not opening fault with the intention of modding it. On arrival I found the unit had been damaged in the post and while I could get the draw working by putting the belt back on, the laser travel mech was broken. So I replaced the whole laser optical head mech with an OEM VAM1202 from CPC. Since fitting this most times on inserting a disc it does not spin but twice a motor can be heard. Sometimes it does spin a disc but only for a few seconds and once it got as far as a TOC. In service mode I can run through the checks with no problems apart from the spindle movement in modes 2 and 3, which will run sometimes but not others. I have taken the whole transport out and replaced it with one from one of my other cd63 and the player works fine. Any ideas?
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Well it's been up and running 10hrs now, after a fair bit of hassle with the plastic disc on the spindle motor. Lifted it up a bit got a disc spinning and a TOC but jumped badly when playing. Had the sled out a few times adjusting the spindle disk mount height things went from bad to worse no TOC. Pulled old sled spindle mount disk off motor and compared to new one which looked poor quality. Took it off the motor spindle to find no spring underneath so put old one on with spring. One quick adjustment and running fine.
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I have been having similar problems with a CD63ki. The laser works ok in my cd67OSE but no laser is emitted when installed in cd63ki.
don't purchase compact disc player in used condition, where is in use CDM12.x/VAM12xx mechanism respective Sharp hologram laser diodes (LDGU).
check out this threads:
Used CD player with CDM1-4 pickup devices are always to prefer (e.g. Micromega SOLO-DOU-TRIO or Krell's MD-1/10 etc.)
check out this threads:
Used CD player with CDM1-4 pickup devices are always to prefer (e.g. Micromega SOLO-DOU-TRIO or Krell's MD-1/10 etc.)
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