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Mad About Sound

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Introducing the Mad About Sound website: www.madaboutsound.com.

This new venture is run by myself, based in the UK, and I hope to provide an expanding range of audio components that will be of particular interest to the DIY community.

At present I have various Bell/Daniel power chip amp PCB's/kits in stock:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
LM3875 Dual Mono Kits

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
LM3886 Dual Mono Kits with Snubberised PSU (designed by CarlosFM)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
LM4780 Dual Mono PCB's


Mic preamp PCB's have been ordered and I have several kits ready to go as soon as the boards arrive. These will be available for purchase on the website soon.

I am awaiting stock of Peerless XLS subwoofer drivers and will also be offering Jordan fullrange drivers to the UK.


For worldwide orders please contact me here for shipping costs and information, or alternatively at this email address: sales@madaboutsound.com

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Cheers for the speedy response. I'll keep my eye open for upgrade kits. I haven't finished my legacy kit yet so the wife wouldn't appreciate me buying another kit already. 🙂

Just out of interest, have you rtied the snubberized 3886 kit? How did it compare to your 3875 legacy amps?

Nice site by the way.
I haven't tried the LM3886 with snubberised PSU yet. I've just finished putting together a LM4780 kit (which was done i record time of less than 1 hour to put a whole amp board together!) and will now look for some inspiration of another unique chassis design before building and comparing it to the LM3886.
Great stuff as always, Vikash. I hope you can keep the site layout as clean and clear as it is now as your product range expands. Any plans for a complete amp kit (including the chassis? - edit: one of your own chassis designs, I mean)
Yep, the chassis was made around the amp PCB's and heatsinks. I can provide the plastic sheets and cut extruded rod to make TATCA.

If there is interest, I see no reason why not to offer a very simple TATCA-like chassis in the future. After all it's only four pieces of plastic, and two heatsinks 😉
Vikash said:
Mic preamp PCB's have been ordered and I have several kits ready to go as soon as the boards arrive. These will be available for purchase on the website soon.

Here is a picture of the new boards:



  • micpre.jpg
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Hi Colin, the intention is to use it as a meauring tool. Partnered with the quite linear WM-61 electret, its primary function for most will be measuring loudspeaker FR.

However, I've used the first prototype to record a percussion lesson, and I was quite impressed with it, so I'll be doing a lot of recording with it in future too. 😉

Original thread here: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50666&highlight=
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