Luxkit Avance Z-504

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Schematics and service manual

Hi Sysmofyt,

I have put together a winzip file, (8.3mb), of what you need. Seems I can't email you 'till I make a few more postings. If you want to e-mail me with your e-mail address I'll post them off to you.

Regards Reeler

I've sent copies to your website email.
There are som pencil notes made by me in margins, you may wish to ignore these or you may find them useful.


If you run into any problems converting to Class A then give me a shout as my Z504 amps are presently in Class A Stereo. I will be converting one of them into a mono to power a subwoofer in the near future.

hey reeler, thanx for the offer. i allready got them from though 😉

i got no probs with mine ('cept some strange mod the former owner made) allthough they're ripped apart to become one stereo with dual power trannies 😀

jan, i got Z-502 and the quite interesting (dual riaa, all DC coupled - including tone controls) Z-501 preamp as well. will email docs asap
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