LS3/5a. Bass driver expired. Sell or dump?

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Sad day! My faithful Chartwell LS3/5a's expired this morning, well one of them at least. My equally loyal NAD3020 loaded its left channel with DC for a while.

Are they worth the expense of fixing, or likely to be of interest to anyone as they are?
Wimslow Audio will sell you a replacement driver for the speakers.
Are they worth repairing? Well it really depends on whether or not you like the sound of them.
I still have a pair in use on one system. I find that they excell in mid range presentation. You can buy speakers that will deliver more detail and you can buy more efficient speakers. But I think that your speakers have a very natural sound to them.
I sometimes use mine with a woofer added which I think improves the sound. The woofer is in a separate box which sits underneath the LS3/5A speakers. The LS3/5A woofer is discussed in a number of articles on the internet.
Chartwell LS3/5a speakers can sell for up to a grand, so don't dump them. Alternatively I'll up the previous offer and offer you £20 for 'em.

Have a look at Falcon, linked by Steve, for replacement drivers.

Alternatively Stirling Broadcast offer full replacement driver/x-over kits to bring them fully into the 21st century without losing the character of the original.

Stirling are on eBay UK and have a variety of kits for sale. Even the thin-wall cabinets are £200 a pair.

This kit replaces just the bass units and gives you a new x/over and front baffle for use with the T27s

Replacement LS3/5a Driver Kit Pair for use with T27 | eBay
Hi Tim.

I'm ready to give them a chance. I'll pay you as much it takes to deliver them to Sweden. Get me right here - 50£ delivery means 50£ to you but still keep it down to realistic values for not functioning speakers - they don't need to appear on helicopter...

I expect a very durable packing ( several layers of cardboard ).
Time to deliver is not an issue - as cheap as possible. If I'm happy with the setup there might (or rather will) be a bonus at the end.

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Hi Tim.

I'm ready to give them a chance. I'll pay you as much it takes to deliver them to Sweden. Get me right here - 50£ delivery means 50£ to you but still keep it down to realistic values for not functioning speakers - they don't need to appear on helicopter...

I expect a very durable packing ( several layers of cardboard ).
Time to deliver is not an issue - as cheap as possible. If I'm happy with the setup there might (or rather will) be a bonus at the end.


Whoopsie - here seems to be a fisherman awakening an old thread. Didn't see it was from 2013 when it didn't bring Tim what he wanted. Good luck Tim - I'm out too.
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