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Lowther PM8A 15 ohm silver voice coil

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These were purchased when I ran Lowther America to see what they were like. The first new driver from Lowther in a long time. Basically a super PM6A, a slightly larger magnet, giving a little more efficiency, dynamics and extended highs compared to the PM6A. Broken in so I could listen to them, then put back in the box.

List with the silver voice coils would be $1,500. Will sell for $800 including shipping to CONUS.
Hello there. Good to hear your live John? I have been looking for some lowthers drivers for a old friend of mine. I Was really bummed your not selling lowthers anymore. ( Sorry not to bring it up). Well again good to see your on this forum. Your dedication in the fullrange market will be missed. So I will pass this on to a old friend of mine. Cheers Jeff
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