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Lowther/Fostex C-Horn - CAD/CNC Plans for sale

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Sydney based Creation Audio specialises in horn speakers for Lowther and Fostex.

The radical C-Horn is a culmination of over 10 years experience...and it is a speaker of stunning looks and sound. A wide range of drivers have been tested with success...Lowther, Fostex 206E, Visaton B200. The C-Horn can be scaled back in width to suit 6.0-6.5inch drivers.

Designed for 8 inch full range drivers, the C-Horn delivers outstanding bass depth, thanks to the 3m horn path. Standing at an impressive 1425mm, with depth of 560mm and width of 400mm, the horn weights a sturdy 80kgs.

This sale includes:

CAD plans in PDF

CNC cutting files in .dwg or .gfx format

Photo assembly instructions

Friendly email/phone technical support.

The C-Horn has been designed by an audio enthusiast for audio enthusiasts. There is no other speaker like this in the world. Commonsense and some basic DIY skills will make for a great hobby project. CNC'd dowel holes ensure cabinet alignment.

Creation Audio also offers a flat-pack kit or a part assembled cabinet.

CAD/CNC plans and files US$195.

Any inquiry welcome.

Article/ad here:

New C-Horn Released | Hi-Fi




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hi, i didn't know u/were in diyaudio!...anyway, i'd like to get a template of the c horn model, the one that has the double bass chamber, like the ones pictured in frames 2 and 3 above. please let me know how much this would be w/shipping to the u.s.a. thanks again! tb
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