So I am planning on building a pair of syntripp synergy horns, and need something below 100hz for a small outdoor area, where we won't listen much beyond 80-90db.
I was thinking a single fold TH, up to 1.8m (6ft) tall to keep the build simple. 30hz would be plenty of low end extension for me, but could go up to 40hz for better quality bass
I already have these drivers, but can't decide between them. They are also different enough that I don't know if i could make a universal cabinet to try both pairs
I was thinking a single fold TH, up to 1.8m (6ft) tall to keep the build simple. 30hz would be plenty of low end extension for me, but could go up to 40hz for better quality bass
I already have these drivers, but can't decide between them. They are also different enough that I don't know if i could make a universal cabinet to try both pairs