Low jitter I2S buffer?

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To what distance do you want to carry the I2S signals? I read somewhere in this forum that a small (100 ohms?) resistor in series at the source will prevent reflection. Reclocking at the receiving end would also be an option.
If you want low additive jitter look at clock distribution buffers. If you're recovering MCLK from I2S output quality is likely dominated by the recovery PLL's jitter, so this may not be the most useful optimization. If the clock transition's handled with an ASRC time domain ringing from brickwall antialiasing is likely the dominant source of subjective degradation.

oshifis is referring to source termination on a relatively stiff transmission line, which is a common mechanism for mitigating ISI in two layer audio PCBs. There's plenty of existing material available from searching on termination schemes, characteristic impedances, and reflections if one wants more context on that.
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