Hi, I am new. and would like your opinion on the type of loading I employ to match the loudspeaker's output to the placement in the room. They employ a 100Hz Bessel 12dB/8ve low pass. A loudspeaker's low frequency response is affected by placement for obvious reasons.If one designs a very flat response speaker in free space. Wnen placed on the floor,one get's +3dB gain,wall/floor,another +3 dB and a corner gives a total of +9 dB.So I reasoned that by placing an appropriate acoustic resistance in front of a properly (Q:0.7) tuned reflex box, I can lower the Q. Threfore matching the Q of the speaker to the Q of the room position. My enclosures measure flat to 30 in half space and I can, by modifying the acoustic resistance, make the total speaker Q inverse to that of the room ie: flat to 30, in room. Opinions please.