Looking for ultra simple audio player design.

Requirements are.
Input: any file like WAV, MP3, PCM, custom data format on SD card or EEPROM.
Input data will be prepared before end.
Output: Right channel, line level. Left channel,
medium/low power speaker.
Immediate turn on / off. In other word no implementation asking to wait for booting / shut down.
Low cost, using ready made proven modules.
Power supply included.
There are many solutions, from using parts reinventing everything up to using a microcomputer as long as, OS booting and shut down is not needed ( stand alone, using BIOS would be fine ).
I would like as little as possible hardware development. Programming is fine.
Ultra low cost is the challenge.
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Having tried out a few of the very cheap MP3 players on Taobao, I've found this one to be the best overall. Most resilient in practice - you can pull the card out while it plays and it'll just mute for example - although a very long way from being the cheapest. In the general scheme of things though, $12.5 is incredibly cheap for what's on offer.
Fully featured for sure, any idea of current consumption ?.

From memory I think it was under 100mA (from a 5V supply) on my most recent purchases - it varies depending on whether you use BT or play from SD. I do recall when I first got my hands on one (over two years ago) I noticed that it ran fairly hot. But when I bought some again earlier this year the thing surprised me in that it ran pretty cool. Perhaps the firmware got an upgrade in the meantime.
Having tried out a few of the very cheap MP3 players on Taobao, I've found this one to be the best overall. Most resilient in practice - you can pull the card out while it plays and it'll just mute for example - although a very long way from being the cheapest. In the general scheme of things though, $12.5 is incredibly cheap for what's on offer.

What is the pitch accuracy from these very cheap MP3 player ?
I see no clock or external clock input. I fear, the internal clock oscillator is not so good.
I need better than 1%frequency accuracy.

On the DFPlayer Mini manufacturer site, I see the chip comes in two flavors where the only difference is, one has "high quality".
What different quality could this be ?
On the DFPlayer Mini manufacturer site, I see the chip comes in two flavors where the only difference is, one has "high quality".
What different quality could this be ?

My guess is the 'high quality' one is new, the other is of dubious provenance. Could be a pull for example.

@Mark Tillotson - I took my verniers to the XTAL package on the CPU module, its 3.1mm * 2.4mm.
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Pitch accuracy might be an issue with the cheap MP3 player I have in mind.
DFPlayer Mini.
YX5200-24SS MP3 Chip
DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player Module for Arduinio Manufacturer

As said in the OP, I need 1% accuracy.
This chip decodes mp3 using an internal clock. Who knows about this clock, presumably a silicon based clock, may be ceramic, not as good as a Xtal clock.
All I could find:
Maxim chips silicon based clock with 2% accuracy.
Ceramic resonator said to be 0.5%.