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LME49600 Buff-A-Lot 12.5W amp PCB

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It is a fairly simple design;
A smd opamp (lme49990 or similar) for feedback and ten LME49600's as output stage.

An audio input, output and a +/- 18Vdc MAX voltage input for power, that's all. Single Ended in->Single Ended out.

This is a PCB only since the parts are expensive and when I keep the weight down, shipping cost is much lower.

There are only a couple of through-hole components; elco's, 1 cap, and the connectors. Everything else is smd.

Shipping is expected to be around 10 dollars and a set of PCB's (2) costs 20 dollars.

I have one stereo sets available.
1 set shipped, 30 dollars,

PS. As you can see, there is a 60mm*70mm area underneath the LME49600's which has no parts on it and is "flat". There is where to put a heatsink of some sort. I will be mounting it vertically to the side of an enclosure by making a piece of aluminum which will perform the conducting to the chassis.


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My application will be an extra/second power amplifier for my loudspeakers. I have quite sensitive loudspeakers at 90dB@1m@1W.
All the opamps/buffers operate in parallel. The output stage can deliver +/-18V (minus a bit of loss) and 2.5A of output current with short peaks of 4.5A max
Performancewise I have not made a proper measurement since my current pc has no proper line/mic input. It's silent, even with a SMPS as power supply and has no harsch turn-on or off clicks. What it sounds like? Don't know. When it's done I can compare it to my ESP P3A.

I expect it to be "boring/clean/neutral/transparant" but only when the amp is 99% complete, I will commence a full 1-to-1 compare to the ESP P3A
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