Linn lp12 Mods

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Any one know any worthwhile mods to the LP 12?Not ones that just change the sound but that will improve it.

I have been trying to think of a way of improving the fixing of the motor to the top plate, as this seems like a weak link.

Anyone tried moving the motor to the 7 O'clock postion ?
Any mods to the subcassis or arm board out there?
Hi sleepy,

Several companies do mods, Russ Andrews (RATA), and Origin (?). there was an article in one of the UK hi-fi mags within the last two-three months on LP12 mods, might have been Hi-fi plus, but not 100% sure. Hope that helps.

One of the mods did include moving the motor to the front left side of the plate.

Happy hunting

sleepy said:
Any one know any worthwhile mods to the LP 12?Not ones that just change the sound but that will improve it.

I have been trying to think of a way of improving the fixing of the motor to the top plate, as this seems like a weak link.

Anyone tried moving the motor to the 7 O'clock postion ?
Any mods to the subcassis or arm board out there?


you should ask that questions to the Naim Forum at There are lots of Linn users there.

What I found in my five years of LP12 use, is that a wall mount improves the sound substantially, as well as damping the top steel board with felt, at the places where it touches the wooden base.

Using bolts and nuts for the toenarms does not work.

Best tonearms for the LP12 are Naim ARO and Zeta Black Zeta. They play more lively than Akito/Ekos and complement the warm character of the LP12 better.

sleepy said:
"Using bolts and nuts for the toenarms does not work."
Using them where?On the tonearm mounting plate?

yes, I meant the nuts and bolts for attaching the tonearm board to the subchassis - some friends tried to fix the boards like this, but it always was a sonic disaster compared to the original fixing.

sorry, in the previous message I've just typed too fast and forgot writing half of the meaning.

re the hifi+ articles: I read them and was a bit disappointed. Even the group test of stock LP12 to some commercially modifieds gave no more insights. You find more helpful advice in the forum (they have a good search function on their archive) or the aforementioned naim user forum.



With hindsight I think quite a few of our fellow members could actually write a book on how to get the best out of this TT.
Hartmut's tips are useful ones indeed.
Personally I always start out by finetuning the suspension.
You will be stunned by the difference you can hear!
And a wall mounted support with absolute rigid and nonresonant contsruction is paramount to the endresults.
Tonarm and cartridge choice is very crucial as well,a wel designed unipivot such as the ARO and Nottingham Analogue Omegapoint gave good results with lower compliance MC cartridges.
Fact remains there is a world of difference between a well set up one and a carelessly set up one.

Maybe a golden tip for any user of TT of this type (Thorens and such) is to use PTFE charged oil for the bearing well.
That works a treat for lowering the noisefloor.

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