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Large Elector Mag collection for sale

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I have a Large collection of Elector UK/India ( 14 month UK 117 Month of India ) all in India ( Bangalore ) I am interested in giving it to somebody interested to take all in one go ( not interested in piece meal as I have one more week at banglaore to ship it if necessary outside India)
Make your offer
mostly audio related stuff appeared in these -however Aug/sep issues contained 100 circuits of various types including Measurement/digital etc.
Any India based buyer is preferred as it simplifies shipping but I can ship it anywhere India Post department can ship

Year - Months ( note some issues are two month in one book with collection of 100 circuits)
1980 - 4 ( UK)
1981 - 5 (UK)
1982 - 4 (UK)
1983 -8 ( 1 UK rest India)
1984 - 9
1985 - 11
1986 - 7
1987- 9
1988 - 11
1989 - 9
1990 - -8
1991 - 6
1992 - 8
1993 - 7
1994 -8
1995 -4
1996/97/98 - each 1
1999 -2
2000 -6
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