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Large CG Caps For Sale

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I have 12 of these 37,000uf @75VDC caps for sale.

$12US ea. plus shipping.




  • 37kuf@75vdc.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 963
How tall are they? I'm looking to upgrade my Two SA-220's with some new caps.

My height restriction is about 6", with screws, etc. I've actually got about 6.75 inches of overall space, but we don't want to get too close to the top cover....

I suspect they are the 5.75" versions. Sounds about right. You have 12, you say? How old are they? Put aside at least 8 for me.
KBK said:
How tall are they? I'm looking to upgrade my Two SA-220's with some new caps.

My height restriction is about 6", with screws, etc. I've actually got about 6.75 inches of overall space, but we don't want to get too close to the top cover....

I suspect they are the 5.75" versions. Sounds about right. You have 12, you say? How old are they? Put aside at least 8 for me.

The Date Code say's 1991, though they have never been used.

As for hieght I am not sure at this moment, I will have to measure them and get back to you.


paint them in tar and send them down the road then.

I'm toying with the ideer of driving to T-O for some insane reason. Probably becasue I have a ton of work I should be doing that I'd like to try and ignore for at least one more day.

ok. 'ow we gonna get this done? I'll think about it for a few more secs.
KBK said:
paint them in tar and send them down the road then.

I'm toying with the ideer of driving to T-O for some insane reason. Probably becasue I have a ton of work I should be doing that I'd like to try and ignore for at least one more day.

ok. 'ow we gonna get this done? I'll think about it for a few more secs.

Be glad to have you over for a chat and a listen to some of my stuff if you like. The caps are with a friend out west and should be here in a few weeks.


Coulomb said:
I have 12 of these 37,000uf @75VDC caps for sale.

$12US ea. plus shipping.



Coulomb said:
I am adding 6 x 69,000uF @ 75VDC caps to the for sale pile.

Cornell Dublier, New, $20 US each. They are 5.75"x3" CG screw terminal. I will post a Photo later.



Take all 6 for $100 plus shipping


Now THERE's the deal I was looking for.


Me crazy man. Me stick (4 0f) them in Counterpoint SA-220. 0.3 farad. Can you say 'turn on surge'? I knew you could.

Were do I send the cashola? do you take beer caps?
KBK said:
Now THERE's the deal I was looking for.


Me crazy man. Me stick (4 0f) them in Counterpoint SA-220. 0.3 farad. Can you say 'turn on surge'? I knew you could.

Were do I send the cashola? do you take beer caps?

I actually have 10 of them,

You can send Coin of the Realm to Pay Pal if your serious to:


Ship to or pick up?
bluesmoke said:

May soon be interested in 4 of the 37,000@75V...

Just need to find some advice first to see if I won't overload the units I want to put them in on turn-on.

I'm in Toronto, so definitely would be an easy pick-up run.

I also have some 69K @75VDC that I paid $28 plus taxes CAD each, Never used.

Willing to let four of those go for $100 CAD.


Think I'll have to pass for now. Got the advice I needed (was going to install in some consumer amps), and decided to leave the gear alone.

If I ever attempt a nice big DIY amp, I'll be right on these.

Sorry, but best of luck on the sale.
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