kicker zx1500 mosfet question

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I checked q24-q27 they all had the same reading. Gate resistors are the little tiny things that say 100 or 104 right? I read somewhere to replace them with smaller ones is that correct? I also read on here to replace the output transistors with a different one than the original is that correct as well?
seems original to me, i bought the amp refurbished only thing that seemed differant to me was one of the transistors or whatever it is that gets clamped down diagonally across from the fets had an allen key screw instead of a regular screw like it was replaced.
Here some photos. Its the two on top in the picture with 3 sets of 2.


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The gate resistors that you'll need to check are for the IRF3205s, which are missing in the photo. If the output transistors have not failed, do absolutely nothing to that part of the amp.

The gate resistors for the 3205s will be near the 3205s.

Please read the basic amp repair page (link in sig line below), including the section about taking good quality photos.
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