Kicker ZX 1500.1 Spkr relay dropping early

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I just repaired this 1500.1 power supply fet's and drivers, output fet's too.

Sounding real good, but the spkr relay is dumping kind of early on bass notes- using 4 ohm load.

I notice L100 (inductor in series with output) get's pretty hot.
No DC on spkr terms, just raw audio.

These amps aren't that finiky are they ?
I've had several kicker class D amps come through the shop in the last few days and the inductors on all of them would get too hot to hold my hand on within 5 minutes of being powered up. The temperature didn't change much when the amp was driven hard. The new 1500s have thermal gap pads to allow the cover to soak some of the heat from the inductor.
I had a 1000 with the relay intermittently dropping out. The problem was Q2. The gain was too low so there was too much voltage dropping across it. The collector of this transistor supplies 12v to the 594 via a 10 ohm resistor (R5 on the ZX1000). There shouldn't be more than a fraction of a volt drop (E-C). If there is more drop and the voltage on pin 12 of the 594 is low, replace the transistor.
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