Kicker ZR1000

Hi I have a 1998 Kicker ZR1000 on the bench. Has a protection problem of sorts. With the 7815 in circuit I am getting high current. With the output leg (3rd) removed my relays come on and low current draw. Can't seem to find anything shorted or open.
After pulling the 3rd leg and checking voltage, the regulator seems to be putting out 15v as it should be. The TIP29 and 7815 are getting hot also.
Checked voltage across the emitter resistors, .001 on all of them.
Anyone with any ideas what I am missing?
After further testing and probing I have found that the TL431c (U11) is getting hot. Would this be the same chip in Mouser as the TL431cd, cdr, cdrg4 etc... they are all 8 pin SOIC package?
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High current is not really all that high, it is at 2.5 amps at idle, with reg in circuit, out of circuit it is under 1v.
I did check the resistors with reg in circuit. No voltage across them and they are all reading .3 ohms.
The bias pots are turned all the way down.

Unit is in protection.
Both channels will produce audio, very faint audio.

Both bias controls work, if I turn them cw the current increases.

With ref to pin 8 it is 9v. Ref to sec grd it is 11.7v.

Across the 1k resistor is 3.2v.

Hot is 200+ deg F. Reading with a scanner. I used freeze spray also, melts almost immediately.