I'm a critic, but when the house smells like fire, it's too much power.
AN explosion scared me, but life goes on...
AN explosion scared me, but life goes on...
I will try.Can you turn it into a teaching moment?
Used R.E.W to soften spiders in my Dayton 390ho.
All went fine first minute, then A BANG, and some caps explode!
To much power
What do you meen? by that?Sounds more like too much flop and back EMF...
Yeaa, was like a granade!... **** my paintsWhoa, went from "a cap" to "some caps"??
The easiest way to do that to a cap is with too much voltage. Best to burn in speakers raw in free air or smoke is easy to make
OK..... The Philips was a really old one, but you´re tempting/inviting "Murphy" to visit you,
when using polarised cap´s in a crossover. That´s why you have non-polar/bi-polar 😉
when using polarised cap´s in a crossover. That´s why you have non-polar/bi-polar 😉
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