just an idea(reflector)

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I was thinking about different ways to implement a relflector,andI remembered that a ohp I bought that was reflective instead of transmissive used a metal fresnel type surface below the transparency to reflect and magnify the light from the bulb.I was thinking that maybe if you used a small part from the center of that metal behind a bulb it might create an even redistribution of light towards the lcd/fresnels and lens.Any thoughts?
The ohp had a flat metal surface that was like a fresnel(rings)lens,and you put the transparency on that so when the light shines down ont it it lights the whole transparency evenly and reflects the light back up to the lens(reflective instead of transmissive).So the metal has like a fresnel pattern engraved into it and is reflective.I figure if you put it far enough behind the light source it would spread the light evenly and then more of the light would go through the lcd/fresnels/lens from the lamp.Although I'm not sure if putting behind the lens too mush would make the reflected light area too small(being farther away than the bulb to the other optics)but it might work.I have the ohp still but it would be hard to cut it to size to test it out.Maybe someone else has one and wants to try.
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