JL 500/1 v1 rev10 low power

Recently bought a used jl 500/1 version 1 . With rev 10 board
Tested amp on site , turned on. Green light
Wired up one sub .some random fusion 12" . Tested
Tested amp very low output. Turning gain changed nothing
I bought the as a core and known broken and needed repairs

Upon opening bottom for a brief inspection noticed
Right side mosfets IRFZ44R a few showed heat damage Q600-Q607
47 chip resistors showing damage R600-R607
And a chip resistor in R608 location broken in half and loose in amp case . 100?

I purchased a large assorted bag of chip resistors .
Also 8 IRF3205 . Was told to change to that part number in other threads on here.

Should I just replace all the above stated parts ? Or diagnose further ? C615 has a bit of a odd shape can be seen in pictures.